Maths Curriculum Intent
At Southfield Park, the high quality Mathematics curriculum is designed to foster a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject, developing a foundation of mathematical understanding and a love of problem solving. As an essential skill in so many disciplines in school and in the work place, we ensure that links are made within the subject and across all curriculum subjects, so that children’s learning is both broad and deep. Learning is contextualised and meaningful, with many practical resources and applications being exploited so that children develop strong models that they can refer to and apply to different situations
Mathematical fluency is woven through our curriculum, with a high focus on key number skills, mental agility and the ability to manipulate numbers confidently. Arithmetic skills are developed sequentially according to our Progression in Calculations Scheme. Learning Journeys are developed around a unit of based and based around a problem that combines the different areas of maths in the unit. Problem solving skills are taught regularly and progressively and children are taught to tackle a broad range of problems as they progress through the school. The ability to reason mathematically is also prioritised so that children can follow a line of enquiry, spot patterns, form generalisations and develop arguments and justifications.
Mathematical vocabulary is identified on our Schemes of Work and is taught and practised sequentially so that children use the correct and appropriate mathematical language as they progress through the school. Using mathematical language to describe and organise thinking is a key priority and in all lessons, children’s mathematical language is practised within teaching, recall, discussion and reasoning. Children are taught to carefully check and edit their work with growing independence, self-assessing whether their answers are reasonable and whether they have chosen an efficient method.
Children will move through our curriculum at broadly the same pace however we pride ourselves on carefully pitched work so that children’s individual needs are closely met. Regular assessment for learning alongside summative assessments, mean that teachers’ are able to adapt learning so that all pupils are able to progress from their starting points.
You can read about the Maths curriculum in the document below in each year group, while at the bottom of the page you will find the Calculation Policy, which explains in more detail the different methods and strategies for numbers which we use in each year group.